I’ve heard from many of you that improving the condition of the roads in Ward 3 is a top priority. The inadequate state of our roads is detailed in the Township of King 10 Year Paving Strategy and Pavement Management Plan report that was released in November 2020. The report includes a map which indicates the condition of various roads in the Township and provides a rating from “Very Good” to “Very Poor”. I reviewed all the roads on the map and discovered that over 70% of the roads rated as being in “Very Poor” condition in King Township are in Ward 3. Another 70% of the Township’s roads listed as being in “Poor” condition are also in Ward 3.

70% of the “Very Poor” roads in King Township are located in Ward 3 (highlighted in blue).
Ward 3 needs a strong voice to advocate for more resources to be directed to our area. I’m a business leader with deep ties to the community who knows how to get things done.
Vote for Jennifer Anstey to be your voice on council for clarity and fairness.